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Mitarbeiter der Jade Hochschule gewinnt Science Slam

Promotion im Gespräch: Ibrahim Zawra

Ibrahim Zawra beim Science Slam an der Universität Rostock (Foto: Universität Rostock)
Ibrahim Zawra beim Science Slam an der Universität Rostock (Foto: Universität Rostock)

Ibrahim Zawra, Doktorand und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Jade Hochschule im Projekt COMPAS, gewann am 17. November einen Science Slam an der Universität Rostock. Innerhalb von drei Minuten präsentierte er sein Forschungsthema "Compact modelling of high-tech systems for health management and optimization along the supply chain" in englischer Sprache einfach, anschaulich und unterhaltsam. Die Jade Welt (JW) fragt nach…

JW: Dear Mr. Zawra, what topic are you working on in your doctoral thesis?

Zawra: I’m working on compact digital twins on nonlinear dynamical systems to predict failures in high tech and complex systems.

JW: Why did you decide to do a doctorate? And why a Jade University?

Zawra: I wanted to contribute something to the science community and to the humanity heritage. Something useful that can lead to solving some of the modern problems. Jade University is a great practical school and has great professors that are very connected to the industry.

JW: How do you want to continue professionally after your doctorate?

Zawra: I was working for the industry for six years in different countries around the world: Egypt, United Arab Emirates, China, Italy and Netherlands. Either I will lead a research centre or I will establish my own in Germany.

About Ibrahim Zawra

Since March 2021 Ibrahim Zawra is a Research Assistant at Jade University of Applied Sciences and Phd student at Rostock University. He is purshuing his PhD in the group for "Modelling and Simulation of Mechantronic Systems" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Tamara Bechtold. Zawra studied Master of Science Computational Mechanics (Centrale Nantes, France) and did his master Internship with Siemens Digital Industries Software. From 2012 till 2018 he worked in different roles in the industry of offshore oil and gas, Dynamic positioning ships and military ship technical assistance. He was also engaged in part time master degree in naval architecture in the same period. From 2007 to 2011 he got a Bachelor of Science  Marine engineering and Naval architecture (Alexandria university, Egypt).

Ansprechpartnerin in der Redaktion:

  • Katrin Keller
    Katrin Keller
